Leadership Disrupted
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Leadership Disrupted Training Program

Your executives need support in leading change. There’s a lot on their plate. There’s no doubt about it – how we need to lead has been turned on its head. In times of extreme uncertainty, we need new ways of leading and this means new forms of leadership development are required.
Are you searching for a change leadership training program that accommodates the extreme ‘busyness’ of your leadership team?

Ai Acli About Leadershipdisrupted

Course Overview

Leadership Disrupted transcends traditional paradigms, reinventing change leadership. We want leaders to be able to thrive amidst uncertainty and disruption. Designed for high-level executives and leaders, Leadership Disrupted is more than just a leadership training program.

This program is designed to safely bring leadership teams together to understand how each other responds to change, how they can build an agile mindset, how they can support their people through change and agility, and how they can develop a set of change leadership principles which they can use to navigate the challenges ahead.

Spanning across four interactive two hour sessions, it focuses on the foundation pillars of change leadership in the face of continuous disruption. Each session is a deep dive into critical facets of leadership such as self-awareness in change, navigating uncertainty, building resilience, and pioneering strategies for leading through unknown terrains.

Facilitated by seasoned experts, the program offers a rich, supportive, and engaging learning environment.

In addition to the group sessions, each executive benefits from personalised coaching sessions, ensuring a tailored developmental experience that addresses each participant’s individual needs.

Included in the development program:

  • A series of four two-hour learning sessions with breaks built into the program.
  • Three exclusive books from our founders, Lena Ross and Dr Jen Frahm
  • Downloadable handouts to complete exercises
  • Exclusive content tailored specifically for your organisation.
  • Actionable templates to use at work.
  • A digital badge

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Learning outcomes

Before you can lead others through change, you need to lead yourself.

In this session we work through how you as a leader feel about change.

We walk through threat and reward triggers to identify likely implications of how you respond to change.

Tools and Take-aways
  • Conversation of Change ™ starter 1 & 2
  • Threats and Triggers self-assessment
  • Understanding of brain-friendly change tactics

The uncertainty of change ahead can be very disruptive to our workforce.

In this session we review how your workforces commonly respond to change and how you can be ready for that and mitigate workplace performance dips.

Tools and Take-aways
  • Conversation of Change ™ starter 3 & 4
  • Exploratory Leadership Diagnostic – Dr Jen Frahm & Jillian Reilly
  • A roadmap to leading people through change.

Building change resilience is tricky in ordinary circumstances, even more emerging from a pandemic! And yet, it is critical.

In this session we will work through ways to build change resilience and an agile mindset, drawing upon tools from the domain of positive psychology that increase positive engagement from your people during change.

Tools and Take-aways
  • Conversation of Change ™ starter 5 & 6
  • Self-care and the change leader map
  • Agile mindset self-assessment – Lena Ross and Dr Jen Frahm

The years ahead will provide known unknowns, and unknown unknowns – how will you lead through this in unison, with confidence and clarity?

We will futurecast and develop a set of change leadership principles which will provide direction with what ensues.

Tools and Take-aways
  • Conversation of Change ™ starter 7 & 8
  • Templates for team futurespectives
  • Change Leadership Principles


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