Course Overview
Something for everybody
This program is for both new and experienced practitioners looking for a highly practical and contemporary approach to delivering change. You can integrate the practices and tools with any methodology or framework in place.
Ensure relevance as a contemporary change practitioner
The content encourages learners to re-think the way they run a change program by exploring different approaches that draw on the disciplines of brain science, human-centred design and agile.
We do the ‘re-inventing’ for you
Explore new approaches that help change the stick. We explain the approaches and supply the editable templates so you can apply the concepts straight away! The focus is on the actual practice and ‘how-to’, not the theory. All designed to help you stay relevant and future-fit.

- 15 short online micro lessons
- 22 downloadable tools, templates, and infographics
- 15 change templates you can download and edit to use straight away
- Online multi-choice exam to achieve your digital credential
- List of curated resources for curious learners
Learning Objectives
- Understand the basics of change in the modern world in the face of new ways of working.
- Sharpen your skills in delivering change, particularly in agile environments.
- Learn to communicate effectively and enhance collaboration.
- Strengthen your change adaptability.
Online multi-choice exam, you need 80% to pass, multiple attempts permitted.
Time to complete
1.5 hours
$499 AUD
Note: For Australian residents this is GST inclusive, and you are provided a ATO compliant tax receipt. For outside of Australia, Teachable calculates country or state tax as relevant at checkout.
Contact us for enterprise pricing models and volume discounts.
Change Management Essentials Course FAQs
Do I need to have the “Change Hacks” book by Lena Ross to complete the online program?
You can certainly complete this program and use the relevant tools without the book. However, the content within “Change Hacks” provides additional detail that will complement the course and enrich your knowledge.
What do you teach in this course?
The learning topics you’ll master in the change management essentials course include:
- Getting into Change Management
- Creating your Change Canvas
- Running a Force Field Analysis
- High-Level Change Impact Assessment
- Using the Stakeholder Commitment Curve
- Building Your Change Champion Network
- Developing an Employee Persona
- Building an Employee Journey Map
- Running a Session on How Our Brains Respond to Change
- ESNs for Collaboration and Communication
- Visual Management and Change Dashboards
- Running a Retrospective
- Running a Lean Coffee Session
- Building Your Story for Change
- Culture Hacking with Social Learning
Contact us today if you’d like to learn more about any of these modules
Can I download the learning videos?
You cannot download the clips however you can watch them as many times as you like while you have access. After purchasing the course you will have access to the course content for up to 12 months.
Can I edit the templates?
Yes, of course! They are provided in PowerPoint format allowing you to edit them to suit your change initiative..
We include instructions on how to change the colour palette so it suits your organisation’s brand colours.
Do I need to watch the learning clips in a specific order?
No. For this course, you can watch the learning clips in any order you like. This means that if you have a particular skill you need to learn in order to complete your tasks at work, you can jump straight to the relevant topic of your choice.
Is there an organisational license or package available for change teams?
Yes! We can arrange an enterprise package for teams of five or more. Contact us today to learn more!
What other courses do you offer?
Of course! We have a range of contemporary change management and leadership courses that will enable you and your team to develop the confidence and capability to handle fast-paced change. Our online training builds future-fit leaders and job-ready change managers.
- Agile Change Management Certification
- Design Thinking & Change Management
- Agile Mindset Training (Also suitable for change leaders)
- Brain Friendly Change (Also suitable for change leaders)
Explore our courses today and take the next step toward mastering change with confidence.