We recently presented to Change Management Institute (CMI) members about data informed decision making.  It was great to see over 80 people beyond Australia from places as far as Ireland, England, New Zealand, Switzerland, Canada and the United States, join us to dive into this important capability.

With a large audience, it’s insightful to see what people find most interesting. Based on the interaction in the session, our audience was curious to know more about these practices to gather data:

  • Power BI as a tool
  • Working Out Loud
  • Fist of Five lean polling
  • T-Shirt Sizing
  • Change Experiment Canvas

When asked about barriers to gathering data, a prevalent theme was ‘survey fatigue’. This suggests that we could explore various ways to gather data, rather than relying on just one or two approaches to enable data informed decision making.



3 levels of data for data informed decision making

One question asked was:

Are there environments in which agile change management does not work, or should only be used partially?

You don’t need to be working on a project that is officially declared as an agile one to get started with agile change practices. Take comfort in the fact that the agile change practices we talk about in The Agile Change Playbook and our online Agile Change Manager Certificate Program are ‘methodology agnostic’. If you are working with a change or agile methodology in your organisation, it’s easy to add agile change practices that will prove to be valuable to deliver change effectively.

The idea is to try them out. It’s about introducing change activity that is lighter and right-sized for your change initiative and business. The intent is to invite and nudge people to contribute and iterate. In turn, you’ll be surprised as how liberating your practice will become.

Other great questions were asked too, especially on Working Out Loud and Power BI. We couldn’t answer them all in the session, so watch this space for future blog posts where will cover the Q & A.

Of course, we go into these practices in our Agile Change Manager Certificate Program. If you want to ensure you are on top of these practices, you may wish to enroll!