We found 38 results for your search.

Agile Change Management Certificate

Course Details [ff_module file="courses/sidebar-products" ] Course Overview Our change management certificate is unique and industry leading program that supports change and project practitioners working in agile environments. It is the complete package of learning – online micro lessons, a hard-copy book for reflection, and more than 50 downloadable change templates ready to use on your...

How To Find The Best Change Management Course In Australia

Want To Learn More? Check Out Our Courses Today Our Courses Comprehensive Guide to an Agile Mindset Looking for the best change management course in Australia? This guide helps you select the right program. Learn about key factors like course content, accreditation, and teaching methodologies to ensure the course aligns with your career goals.Investing in...

Leveraging Applied Neuroscience to Overcome Resistance to Change

[ff_module file="breadcrumbs" items="Home|/" show_current=1] Leveraging Applied Neuroscience to Overcome Resistance to Change Discover how applied neuroscience can help overcome resistance to change. Learn techniques to rewire thinking patterns, reduce fear, and enhance adaptability. Explore strategies to engage the brain's natural capacity for change, fostering a more receptive and resilient organisational culture. Want To Learn More?...

Brain-Friendly Change Course

Course Details [ff_module file="courses/sidebar-products" ] Course Overview Our latest course is truly a one-of-a-kind! Brain-Friendly Change uses applied neuroscience to help you design and deliver change with ease.  There is huge value in this  – online micro lessons, downloadedable resources, templates and curated reading.  You shouldn't have to think hard to get change! Put the human back...

Michelle Teunis: Brain-Friendly Change

[audio mp3="https://aclinstitute.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/untitled-design-1-1.mp3"][/audio] Michelle Teunis with Lena Ross; Brain Friendly Change Lena (00:49): Hi everybody, and welcome and thank you for joining our podcast, conversations of Agile Change. I'm Lena Ross from the Agile Change Leadership Institute, and I'm so excited that Michelle Teunis is joining me today. For many of you, Michelle May need no...

Natasha Redman: Challenges in Agile adoption

[audio mp3="https://aclinstitute.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/tash-2-1.mp3"][/audio] Dr Jen Frahm (00:50): Hello everybody. Welcome to another conversation of Agile change. This time I'm coming to you with the rather fabulous Natasha Redman of Casa Dec Camio. Natasha was one of our very first graduates in the Agile Change Leadership certificate program and she is always fabulous to speak to because...

Agile Change Management Process

In today’s fast-evolving corporate landscape, mastering agile change management is not just beneficial—it's essential.We often get asked by change managers, “Do you recommend a specific agile change management process?”At the Agile Change Leadership Institute, we advocate a distinctive approach through what is known as the  "Minimum Viable Change Process" (MCVP). An MCVP is designed to empower...

Melissa Bialoruski: A journey of change and growth

[playlist ids="3686"] Dr Jen Hello Everybody, fantastic to be back with you. It's Dr. Jen Frahm and in this episode I have the rather fabulous Melissa Balioruski joining us. Melissa is a consummate change leader, incredible experience in this space. I love my conversations with her, particularly when it comes to operationalizing agile, and so...

Adaptive Leadership in Agile

[ff_module file="breadcrumbs" items="Home|/" show_current=1] Adaptive Leadership in Agile Explore adaptive leadership within agile frameworks. Learn how leaders foster innovation, resilience, and responsiveness by embracing change and encouraging a culture of learning. Gain insights on balancing authority with collaboration to lead agile teams through uncertainty with confidence. Want To Learn More? Check Out Our Courses Today...

What Is Change Management?

[ff_module file="breadcrumbs" items="Home|/" show_current=1] What Is Change Management? We believe that, at its core, change management is all about an organisation’s most valuable asset, its people. Change Management is the practice of taking people through the process of learning something new, using something new, doing something different and making sure that those changes are valuable....
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